Casio E-115 - Cassiopeia Color Pocket PC Specifications Page 55

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5. Make the voltage power supply added to the main battery terminal 3.7V ( 0.05V.
Then, press Contacts button again.
Doing so, the following display appears.
*** <AD Revision Value Write> ***
<Max Level Write>
AD Value Read! 0x8...
<Min Level Write>
AD Value Read! 0x8...
<SUB Level Write>
Voltage Write-> Contacts Key
Escape -> ON Key
6. Pressing Contacts button again, the following display appears.
*** <AD Revision Value Write> ***
<Max Level Write>
AD Value Read! 0x8...
<Min Level Write>
AD Value Read! 0x8...
<SUB Level Write>
AD Value Read! 0x8...
Write Data Value
Max=0x... Sub=0x...
--------- Test END
Push Action Key
7. Pressing Action Control button, the following display appears along with Main Menu display.
CPROG Rev.1.01 for JX-650
If missed, the following # displays appear instead of O.
AD Code=# # # # #
CPROG Rev.1.01 for JX-650
If this display appears, be sure to try to perform these settings (adjustments) again.
After turning off the unit power, stop to add the powers to the unit from DC voltage stabilizers
After set the rechargeable battery, back up battery and AC Adapter to the unit again, perform
Initial Setup, then display Main Menu.
----- END ----
After removing CF card saved the diagnostic program, perform FULL RESET.
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