Casio fx-9750G Table & Graph User Manual

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Table & Graph
With Table & Graph, you can generate tables of discreet data from
functions and recursion formulas, and then use the values for
graphing. Because of this, Table & Graph makes it easy to grasp
the nature of numeric tables and recursion formulas.
15-1 Before Using Table & Graph
15-2 Storing a Function and Generating a Numeric Table
15-3 Editing and Deleting Functions
15-4 Editing Tables and Drawing Graphs
15-5 Copying a Table Column to a List
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Table & Graph

Table & GraphWith Table & Graph, you can generate tables of discreet data fromfunctions and recursion formulas, and then use the values forgra

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244uuuuuTo insert a row Example To insert a new row between Rows 1 and 2 in the table generatedon page 2393(ROW)c2(INS)uuuuuTo add a row Example To

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245kkkkk Graphing a FunctionuuuuuTo specify the draw/non-draw status of a formulaThere are two options for the draw/non-draw status of a function grap

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246uuuuuTo graph all of the functions Example To use the values in the numeric table generated using the TableRange and the View Window parameters fr

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247uuuuuTo graph a function using Dual ScreenSelecting “T+G” for the Dual Screen item of the set up screen makes it possible todisplay both the graph

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24815-5 Copying a Table Column to a ListA simple operation lets you copy the contents of a numeric table column into a list.uuuuuTo copy a table to a

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23615-1 Before Using Table & GraphFirst select the TABLE icon on the Main Menu and then enter the TABLE Mode.When you do, the table function list

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23715-2 Storing a Function and Generating a NumericTableuuuuuTo store a function Example To store the function y = 3x2 – 2 in memory area Y1Use f and

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238uuuuuTo generate a table using a list Example To generate a table using the values in List 6!Z• If the highlighting is not located at the Variable

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2396(TABL)Each cell can contain up to six digits, including negative sign.You can use d, e, f, and c to move the highlighting around the table for the

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240kkkkk Specifying the function typeYou can specify a function as being one of three types.• Rectangular coordinate• Polar coordinate• ParametricTo d

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24115-3 Editing and Deleting FunctionsuuuuuTo edit a function Example To change the function in memory area Y1 from y = 3x2 – 2 toy = 3x2 – 5Use f an

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24215-4 Editing Tables and Drawing GraphsYou can use the table menu to perform any of the following operations once yougenerate a table.• Change the v

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243• When you change a variable value in Column x, all values in the columns to theright are recalculated and displayed.• If you try to replace a valu

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