• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••NQPORfx-82SX/fx-250HC• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••
— 8 —• Example 3: To calculate the following using memory anda constant: (123)(453)(783)135.(123) 3 - - 12 = Y (453) 45 A { (783) 78 | (Memo
— 9 —• Example 4: 1.62.11 C 2 + 1.6 = Fraction/decimal calculation result is always decimal.• Example 5: ↔ 0.5 (Fraction ↔ Decimal)1 C
— 10 —Percentage Calculations• Use COMP mode for percentage calculations.• Example 1: To calculate 12% of 1500.1500 - 12 A v • Example 2: To calculate
— 11 —Scientific Function Calculations• Use COMP mode for scientific function calculations.• Some calculations may take a long time to complete.•Wait
— 12 —Iog 64Iog 4.4 A Q + 5 - 3 E A U = 4.09462222418.285455360.0899051114.499809672.7608217738.0.12522026.465793.kHyperbolic/Inverse Hyperbolic Funct
— 13 —• Example 8: log sin 40° +log cos 35° (DEG mode)40 S R +35 W R = A Q • Example 9: 81/38 A s 3 = k Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares,Reciprocals
— 14 —0.00FIX2.47FIX40320.3.3–01SCI0.0 00SCI• Example 5: 8! 8 A f kFIX, SCI, NORM, RND, RAN#, ENG Calculations• Example 1: 1.2341.234, rounding resul
— 15 —81.25–030.6641.DEG2.1.732050808DEG1.047197551RAD 840.Example (results differ each time)RAD• Example 5: To convert 0.08125 grams to milligrams..
— 16 —210.kCombination• Example: To determine how many different 4-membergroups can be organized in a group of 10 individuals.10 A n 4 = Statisticasl
— 17 —Arithmetic mean A ` Number of data A r Sum of values A o Sum of squares of values A a • }} inputs the same data twice (as above).•You can also
CASIO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.Unit 6, 1000 North Circular Road,London NW2 7JD, U.K.
— 18 —• Example 2: To change data you previously input.CorrectionActual Correction51 } 50 }A [51 }130 -31 }130 -31 }120 -120 -31t130 -31 }t130 -31 }
— 19 —Clear (retains memory) ... kNumber input ... 0 – 9, lPower off ...
— 20 —• Scientific FunctionsArc cosine ... A VArc sine ... A j
— 21 —Square ... A KSquare root ... LTangent ...
— 22 —• NORM 1With NORM 1, exponential notation is automatically usedfor integer values with more than 10 digits and decimal valueswith more than two
— 23 —kMaking Corrections During Calculations• If you make a mistake when inputting a value (but did notyet press an arithmetic operator key), press k
— 24 —e. The total number of nested parentheses levels exceedssix, or when more than 18 pairs of parentheses are used.(“– 1–” indicator appears on the
— 25 —• The batteries that come in the calculator when you pur-chase it are for testing only. They may not provide fullservice life.• All data stored
— 26 —kOrder of Operations and LevelsOperations are performed in the following order of prec-edence.1. Functions2. xy, x1/y, R →P, P →R, nPr, nCr3.
— 27 —kFormulas, Ranges, and ConventionsThe following are the formulas, ranges, and conventions thatare applied to various calculations that can be pe
— 1 —ContentsHandling Precautions … 2Modes … 3Basic Calculations … 5Constant Calculations … 6Memory Calculations … 7Fraction Calculations … 8Percentag
— 28 —Permutation• Input range: n r 0 (n, r : natural numbers)• Formula: nPr Combination• Input range: n r 0 (n, r : natural numbers)• F
— 29 —Input RangeFunctionstan–1xsinhxcoshxtanhxsinh–1xcosh–1xtanh–1xlogx/lnx10xsinxcosxtanxsin–1xcos–1xx 1 10100x 230.2585092x 1 10100x
— 30 —–1 10100 x 230.25850920 x 1 10100x 1 1050x 1 10100 ; x ≠ 0x 1 101000 x 69 (x is an integer)0 r nn 11010(n and r ar
— 31 —x 0: y ≠ 0–1101001/y log x 100x 0: y 0x 0: y 2n1; (n ≠ 0; n is an integer)However: –110100 1/y log x100Input RangeFuncti
— 32 —Calculation Capacity:• Input/ Basic Calculations10-digit mantissa; or 10-digit mantissa plus 2-digit expo-nent up to 10±99
SA9707-B Printed in ChinaImprimé en ChineCASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan
— 2 —Handling Precautions•Your calculator is made up of precision components. Nevertry to take it apart.•Avoid dropping your calculator and otherwise
— 3 —• Before assuming malfunction of the unit, be sure to care-fully reread this manual and ensure that the problem is notdue to low battery power or
— 4 —Note!•A mode guide is located above the display screen.• DEG, RAD, and GRA modes can be used in combinationwith the COMP and SD modes.•F9does not
— 5 —Basic Calculations• Use the COMP mode for basic calculations.• Example 1: 234.55323 + 4.5 , 53 = • Example 2: 56(12)(2.5)56 -12 E \ 2.5 E =
— 6 —Constant Calculations• Press +, ,, -,or \ twice after inputting a number tomake that number a constant.• “K” is on the display while a constant
— 7 —Memory Calculations• Use the COMP mode for memory calculations.• Use Y, |, A { and Z for memory calculations.Y replaces current memory contents.•
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