Casio fx-9750G Appendix User Manual

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Appendix A Resetting the Calculator
Appendix B Power Supply
Appendix C Error Message Table
Appendix D Input Ranges
Appendix E 2-byte Command Table
Appendix F Specifications
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Appendix

AppendixAppendix A Resetting the CalculatorAppendix B Power SupplyAppendix C Error Message TableAppendix D Input RangesAppendix E 2-byte Command Table

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FunctionRec(r ,θ)° ’ ”←° ’ ”^(xy)xyab/cSTATInternaldigits15 digits"""""AccuracyAs a rule,accuracy is±1 at the10th digit.&quo

Page 3 - Appendix A

403FunctionBinary,octal,decimal,hexadecimalcalculationInput rangesValues fall within following ranges after conversion:DEC: –2147483648 < x < 21

Page 4 - Appendix B Power Supply

404Appendix E 2-byte Command TableSpaces in the following commands are indicated by “]”.Commands available with the W keyIf] , Then], Else], IfEnd, Fo

Page 5 - Appendix B

405Appendix F SpecificationsModel: fx-9750GCalculationsBasic calculation functions:Negative numbers; exponents; parenthetical addition, subtraction, m

Page 6

406Binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal calculations:Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; base specification; negative values (two’scomplem

Page 7

407Graph Function Memory:Graph function storage, editing, selection, drawing, analysis (root, maximum andminimum, y-intercepts, intersects for two gra

Page 8

408Regression: number of data; mean of x; mean of y; standard deviation of x (twotypes); standard deviation of y (two types); sum of x; sum of y; sum

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409GeneralDisplay system:21-character × 8-line liquid crystal display; 10-digit mantissa and 2-digit exponent forcalculations: displays binary, octal,

Page 10 - Appendix D Input Ranges

394Appendix A Resetting the CalculatorWarning!The procedure described here clears all memory contents. Never perform this op-eration unless you want t

Page 11 - Appendix D

395Resetting the calculator initializes it to the following settings.Item Initial SettingIcon RUNMode CompAngle Unit RadExponent Display Range Norm 1V

Page 12 - +1Type, an+2Type

396Appendix B Power SupplyThis unit is powered by four AAA-size (LR03 (AM4) or R03 (UM-4)) batteries. Inaddition, it uses a single CR2032 lithium batt

Page 13 - Appendix F Specifications

397Power Supply Appendix BKeep batteries out of the reach of small children. If swallowed, consult with aphysician immediately.uuuuuTo replace the mai

Page 14

398uuuuuTo replace the memory back up battery* Before replacing the memory back up battery, switch on the unit and check tosee if the “Low battery!” m

Page 15 - Appendix F

399Meaning1 Calculation formula contains anerror.2 Formula in a program containsan error.1 Calculation result exceedscalculation range.2 Calculation i

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Meaning• Execution of calculations thatexceed the capacity of the stackfor numeric values or stack forcommands.• Not enough memory to input afunction

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401Functionsinxcosxtanxsin–1xcos–1xtan–1xsinhxcoshxtanhxsinh–1xcosh–1xtanh–1xlogxInx10xexxx21/x3xx!nPrnCrPol (x, y)Internaldigits15 digits""

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