k Graph Options
The following provides detailed explanations of the options that are available on the [Graph]
tab of the Setup dialog box.
Graph Function
E-Con Axes
Real-Time Scroll
Turns display of the source data name (current data
channel name or sampling memory data name) on
the E-Con Graph window on (selected) and off
Turns display of coordinates on (selected) and off
(cleared) when a trace operation is being performed
on the E-Con Graph window.
Turns display of E-Con Graph window axes on
(selected) and off (cleared).
Turns real-time scrolling of the E-Con Graph window
in the Real-Time sampling mode on (selected) and off
Initial Default
Using a Custom Probe
This section explains how to configure a custom probe.
In addition to the CASIO and Vernier sensors that are preset in the E-Con EA-200
application (see “10 Sensor List”), you can also configure your own “custom probes” for use
during sampling.
Once you configure a custom probe, it is available on the [Custom] tab of the Select Sensor
dialog box, which you can access from the Sensor Setup window.
k Configuring Custom Probes
To configure a custom probe, you must input values for the constants of the fixed linear
interpolation formula (ax + b). The required constants are slope (a) and intercept (b). x in the
above expression (ax + b) is the sampled voltage value (sampling range: 0 to 5 volts).
u To configure a new custom probe
(1) On the Sensor Setup window [Tool] menu, tap [Custom Probe] and then tap [New
Custom Probe].
• This displays the New Custom Probe dialog box.
(2) On the dialog box, tap the [Folder] down arrow button and then select the destination
folder from the list that appears.
(3) In the [Name] box, input up to eight characters for the custom probe name.
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