– 23 –
World Time Mode
With World Time you can view the current time in time zones around the world.
To enter the World Time Mode
Press the HOME/WORLD key twice. From the Home Time Mode, press HOME/
WORLD only once.
• Every time you press HOME/WORLD, the Digital Diary switches between the
Home Time Mode and World Time Mode.
To scroll through World Time Mode zones
In the World Time Mode, use K and L to scroll from zone-to-zone.
• Hold down either button to scroll at high speed.
To change a World Time zone’s settings
1. In the World Time Mode, display the zone you want.
2. Press FUNCTION.
3. Switch between 12/24 hour (page 21), switch between standard and daylight
saving time (page 21), and set the date format (page 21).
• Timekeeping format and date format settings are applied to all World Time zones
and to the Home Time Mode.
• The standard/daylight saving time setting is applied to the currently selected time
zone only.
• See page 24 for details on using the Zone Change function menu item.
Hours different from Home Time zone
Current World Time setting
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