Casio XW-DJ1 Tutorial User Manual Page 10

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vjay for iPad/iPhone
You can select from among a variety of transition
effects when mixing video clips with a CROSSFADER
vjay for iPad/iPhone includes a large number of image
and audio effects that you can apply to mixes. Effects
provide you with versatility to create exciting
arrangements of a video clip source.
z For detailed information about FX PARAMETER
operations, refer to “Specifying the TRACKFORMER
Left-Right Orientation” (page EN-3 of this manual).
LOOP is a function that lets you repeat play back a
section of a music clip. LOOP operations can be woven
together for virtually unlimited music clip mixing
z For information about TRACKFORMER operations,
refer to “Using TRACKFORMER/Basic Operation/
About CUE POINT/About AUTO LOOP”, and
“About FX (Effects)” in the “User’s Guide - Basic
Operation Reference” that comes with the unit.
You can use TRACKFORMER’s JOG platter to scratch
the image and audio of a video clip.
z Rotating the JOG platter clockwise fast forwards the
music clip, while counter-clockwise rotation
rewinds the music clip.
vjay for iPad/iPhone comes with function that let you
easily mix video clips and photographs you recorded
with your iPad/iPhone. You can create new video clips
and even add music to them.
Touch the media
library button.
Touch the [Camera
Roll] menu button. In
the upper right corner
of the window that
appears, touch the
camera icon button.
Use the screen that
appears to record a
z To re-shoot the movie,
touch [Retake].
To import the video to the vjay screen, touch
[Use Video].
z To add music to the movie, touch the music note and
then select the music you want.
Basic vjay Operations
Basic vjay Operations
(Visual Effects)
Basic vjay Operations
Basic vjay Operations
Using vjay to Mix Your Own
Video Clips
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