Casio XJ-460 User Manual Page 76

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RGB Signal
Supported Signals
Signal Name Resolution
Frequency (kHz)
Frequency (Hz)
VESA 640 × 350/85 640 × 350 37.9 85
640 × 400/85 640 × 400 37.9 85
720 × 400/85 720 × 400 37.9 85
640 × 480/60 640 × 480 31.5 60
640 × 480/72 640 × 480 37.9 73
640 × 480/75 640 × 480 37.5 75
640 × 480/85 640 × 480 43.3 85
800 × 600/56 800 × 600 35.2 56
800 × 600/60 800 × 600 37.9 60
800 × 600/72 800 × 600 48.1 72
800 × 600/75 800 × 600 46.9 75
800 × 600/85 800 × 600 53.7 85
1024 × 768/43i 1024 × 768 35.5 87
1024 × 768/60 1024 × 768 48.4 60
1024 × 768/70 1024 × 768 56.5 70
1024 × 768/75 1024 × 768 60.0 75
1024 × 768/85 1024 × 768 68.7 85
1152 × 864/75 1152 × 864 67.5 75
1280 × 960/60 1280 × 960 60.0 60
1280 × 960/85 1280 × 960 85.9 85
1280 × 1024/60 1280 × 1024 64.0 60
1280 × 1024/75 1280 × 1024 80.0 75
1280 × 1024/85 1280 × 1024 91.1 85
1600 × 1200/60 1600 × 1200 75.0 60
APPLE 640 × 480/67M13 640 × 480 35.0 67
832 × 624/75M16 832 × 624 49.7 75
1024 × 768/75M19 1024 × 768 60.2 75
1152 × 870/75M21 1152 × 870 68.7 75
640 × 480/117iM 640 × 480 56.0 117
800 × 600/95iM 800 × 600 59.0 95
1024 × 768/75iM 1024 × 768 59.0 75
NEC 640 × 400/56 640 × 400 24.8 56
Other 1400 × 1050/A 1400 × 1050 64.0 59
1400 × 1050/B 1400 × 1050 64.0 60
1152 × 864/70 1152 × 864 64.0 70
1152 × 864/85 1152 × 864 77.5 85
1280 × 960/75 1280 × 960 75.0 75
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