Casio ClassPad II fx-CP400 Examples User Manual Page 10

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Chapter 2: Main Application  10
1. Input the expression x^2/5^2 + y^2/2^2 = 1 in the work area.
2. Tap 3 to display the Geometry window in the lower window.
3. Drag the stylus across the expression in the work area to select it, and then
drag the selected expression to the Geometry window.
An ellipse appears in the Geometry window.
Point Circle A point and its image
1. Start up Verify.
2. Input 50 and press E.
3. Following the equal sign (=), input 25 × 3 and press E.
4. Tap [OK] to close the error dialog that appears.
5. Change 25 × 3 to 25 × 2 and press E.
6. Following the next equal sign (=), input 5 × 5
× 2 and press E.
LY777Ex_E.indb 10 13/02/25 11:23
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