Casio ClassPad II fx-CP400 Examples User Manual Page 8

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Chapter 2: Main Application  8
1. Input the calculation below and execute it.
x),x) × cos(x) + sin(x) × diff(cos(x),x)
2. Drag the stylus across “diff(sin(
x),x)” to select it.
3. Tap [Interactive], [Assistant] and then [apply].
This executes the part of the calculation you selected in step 2. The part of the calculation that is not
selected (× cos(
x) + sin(x) × diff(cos(x),x)) is output to the display as-is.
1. Tap ! to display the Graph Editor window in the lower window.
2. Drag the stylus across “
x^2 – 1” in the work area to select it.
3. Drag the selected expression to the Graph Editor window.
This copies the expression to the location where you dropped it.
1. Tap $ to display the Graph window in the lower window.
2. Drag the stylus across “x^2 – 1” in the work area to select it.
3. Drag the selected expression to the Graph window.
LY777Ex_E.indb 8 13/02/25 11:23
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