Casio ClassPad II fx-CP400 Examples User Manual Page 28

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Chapter 7: Statistics Application  28
1. On the Stat Editor window, tap ~ to display the Main application work area
2. Assign {113,116} to list1, {139,132} to list2, {133,131} to list3, and {126,122}
to list4 (see “2-4 List Calculations” in the User’s Guide).
3. Tap the Stat Editor window to make it active.
4. Tap [Calc] - [Test] - [Two-Way ANOVA] and then tap [Next>>].
5. Select “2 × 2” as the dimensions of the ANOVA data table, and then tap
6. Assign list1 for (1,1), list2 for (1,2), list3 for (2,1), and list4 for (2,2), and then
tap [Next>>].
This displays the calculation results.
The results indicate that altering the time is not significant, altering the
temperature is significant, and interaction between time and temperature is
highly significant.
1. Input the data {299.4, 297.7, 301, 298.9, 300.2, 297} into [list1] in the Stat
2. Tap [Calc] and then [Interval].
3. Select [One-Sample Z Int] and [List], and then tap [Next>>].
4. Input the values (C-Level = 0.95, σ = 3).
5. Select List [list1] and Freq [1].
6. Tap [Next >>] to display the calculation results.
0709 to 0714
1. On the Stat Editor window, perform the following operation:
0709: Tap [Calc] - [Distribution] - [Normal PD]
0710: Tap [Calc] - [Distribution] - [Normal CD]
0711: Tap [Calc] - [Inv. Distribution] - [Inverse Normal CD]
0712: Tap [Calc] - [Distribution] - [Poisson PD]
0713: Tap [Calc] - [Distribution] - [Poisson CD]
0714: Tap [Calc] - [Inv. Distribution] - [Inverse Poisson CD]
2. Tap [Next >>], and then input values.
3. Tap [Next >>] to display the calculation results.
4. Tap $ to graph the results (except for
0714 ).
See the next page of this manual for the calculation result and graph screen.
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