Casio ClassPad II fx-CP400 Examples User Manual Page 38

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Chapter 11: Financial Application  38
1114 Quantity Conversion
Calculate the sales quantity (Sales: [QTY]) when the sales amount ([SAL]) is
$100,000 and the sales price ([PRC]) is $200 per unit. Next, calculate the total
variable costs of production (Manufacturing: [VC]) when the variable cost per
unit ([VCU]) is $30 and the number of units manufactured ([QTY]) is 500.
1. Tap [Calc(2)] - [Quantity Conversion].
2. Input 100000 into the [SAL] field and 200 into the [PRC] field, and then tap
3. Input 30 into the [VCU] field and 500 into the [QTY] field, and then tap [VC].
LY777Ex_E.indb 38 13/02/25 11:24
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