Casio ClassPad II fx-CP400 Examples User Manual Page 35

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Chapter 11: Financial Application  35
Page 2 (Amortization): Use the monthly payment value you obtained on
Page 1 (PMT = –837.9966279) to determine the following information for
payment 10 (PM1) through 15 (PM2).
The balance (BAL) of the principal remaining after payment 15
The interest amount (INT) included in payment 10
The principal amount (PRN) included in payment 10
Total interest to be paid (ΣINT) from payment 10 to payment 15
Total principal to be paid (ΣPRN) from payment 10 to payment 15
As on Page 1, the mortgage has a loan amount (PV) of $100,000 at an
annual rate (
I%) of 8.025%, compounded monthly (C/Y = 12) for 20 years.
Page 2 calculation results
Page 1 (Compound Interest) operations:
1. Tap [Calc(1)] - [Compound Interest].
2. Input the values below into the applicable fields.
N = 240,
I% = 8.025, PV = 100000, FV = 0, P/Y = 12, C/Y = 12
3. Tap [PMT] to obtain the payment value.
Page 2 (Amortization) operations:
4. Tap [Calc(1)] - [Amortization].
• PV,
I%, and PMT values will automatically be copied from Page 1 to
Page 2.
5. Input 10 for PM1 and 15 for PM2.
6. Tap [BAL], [INT], [PRN], [ΣINT], and then [ΣPRN].
1104 Interest Conversion
What is the nominal interest rate ([APR]) on a certificate that offers an annual
effective interest rate ([EFF]) of 5%, compounded bi-monthly (N = 6)?
1. Tap [Calc(1)] - [Interest Conversion].
2. Input 6 for N and 5 for EFF.
3. Tap [APR] to obtain the nominal interest rate.
1105 Cost/Sell/Margin
What is the selling price ([Sell]) required to obtain a margin of profit ([Margin])
of 60% on an item that cost $40 ([Cost])?
1. Tap [Calc(1)] - [Cost/Sell/Margin].
2. Input 60 for Margin and 40 for Cost.
3. Tap [Sell] to obtain the selling price.
1106 Day Count
How many days ([Days]) are there from March 3, 2005 (d1) to June 11, 2005
(d2)? Be sure to change the “Days in Year” setting to “365 days” before
performing a Day Count calculation.
1. Tap [Calc(1)] - [Day Count].
2. Input dates for d1 and d2.
3. Tap [Days] to obtain the number of days.
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