Casio TE-7000S Setup Guide Page 10

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DATACAP DIAL IN/OUT DEVICE LOAD – is a utility that sets
the DataTran ML in a receive mode to accept a down load of new
software settings from DataCap.
Special Commands
4311 = Dial In
4312 = Dial Out
4313 = List Installed Networks
4314 = Local Totals
4315 = Clear Batch
Dial-In – is used to change the existing parameters in the
Datacap box. This option is used if Datacap is sending the
new parameters. This option sets the DataTran up to accept
to new load.
Dial-Out – is used to have the DataTran go and retrieve the
new load. Using this command requires program changes
prior to using this. Follow the steps below to make the
necessary changes for your customer install:
496 Subtotal
Enter AT&UH ppppppppppp ######## 1 (p=phone number to
access new load, #=customer’s load number)
Both the phone number and load number would be issued by
List Installed network - will print the network being used
with this customer.
Local Totals – is a report that will print a summary by credit
card type.
Clear Batch – will clear all data in the current batch. Please
note, once this operation is run and the batch is cleared
there is no procedure to recover that data. Proceed with this
option in caution.
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