Casio TK-T500 User Manual Page 28

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Basic Operations and Setups
Assigning a clerk
On models available in the United States and Canada, clerk or cashier assignment can
be performed using clerk secret numbers only (clerk buttons are not equipped).
In Germany, you can assign clerks by using clerk key or by clerk secret number
(clerk key is equipped).
In other areas, you can assign clerks by using clerk button or by clerk secret number.
The method you of assigning clerk depends on the programming of your cash register.
Clerk button
You can assign the clerk or cashier using the six buttons located below the display panel.
Clerk lock/clerk key
You can assign the clerk or cashier inserting a clerk key into the clerk lock .
Clerk secret number key
When the cash register is programmed to use clerk secret numbers for clerk or cashier assignment, the clerk
buttons are not functional.
Clerk sign on
Signing clerk 1 on:
1 6 o
Signing clerk 2 on: 2 6 o
Signing clerk 15 on: 15 6 o
If you do not want the clerk secret number to be shown on the display, press o before entering the number.
Clerk sign off
Signing clerk off:
0 6 o
(except PGM mode)
The current clerk is also signed off whenever you set the mode switch to OFF position.
The error code “E008” appears on the display whenever you try to perform a registration, a read/
reset operation without signing on.
A clerk cannot sign on unless other clerk is signed off.
The signed on clerk is also identified on the receipt/journal.
Clerk name/machine No./consecutive No.
REG 03-06-2000(SAT) 11:58
01 MC#01 000123
1 DEPT01 T1 •1.00
Clerk secret number
(1 ~ 15 is set as default.)
Mode switch
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